Benefits of Using Window Film

Jun. 27, 2022

Are you looking for a better alternative to new glass additions for a government-owned historic building? Historic window restoration is another suitable option for revamps.


Older buildings provide a sense of nostalgia that allows us to recollect memories from our past. This especially applies to long-standing governmental properties found in historic neighborhoods and major cities. Many have a gorgeous architectural style with classic features and design accents, including vintage-style window film frames. The most popular styles back then were stained glass, arches, and transoms.


Upkeep of a historic property may present greater challenges than that of a modern design. Building decomposition and outdated framing styles are just two of many threats faced by historic building owners. On top of that, they’re up against present-day building code requirements that can be costly to adapt to meet.


When structural window damage affects a government-owned property, remodels should quickly follow. Some building owners automatically believe that new window installations are the answer. To replace window film entirely is not only costly. It can also compromise a building’s historic integrity. Ideal upgrades to an older property should preserve the property’s original elements as closely as possible.

 Protective Film for Windows and Doors

  Protective Film for Windows and Doors

3 Benefits of Historic Window Restoration

When restoring windows on government-owned historic buildings, the U.S. Department of Interior recommends the usage of window film. They even provide guidelines and best practices for doing so in their “Standards for Rehabilitation & Illustrated Guidelines on Sustainability for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings.”


When the time comes for window renovations on an older property, these benefits alone should convince you that window film restoration is the way to go.


Preserves & Restores Historical Buildings

Simply put, you’re more likely to keep a historic building’s appearance intact with window film restoration–not window film replacements. Going the route of preservation and restoration has its fair share of benefits, including the avoidance of glass damage and the protection of valuable interior furnishings.


Proper maintenance on a building’s original windows is not as invasive as other methods of repair. It’s also less expensive, less time-consuming, and much more sustainably sound.

Protective Film for Windows and Doors

 Protective Film for Windows and Doors


Increased or Improved Energy Efficiency

Professionally-restored windows are known to increase energy efficiency, which can potentially lead to a 25-30% reduction in heat escaping from the windows. Much can also be accomplished by retrofitting historic windows with clear film or high-performance glazing, including greater energy efficiency that’ll likely reduce cooling costs by 25-30%.


Additionally, retrofitting curtain-wall systems and historic steel windows has its fair share of sustainability perks–one being improved thermal performance and greater indoor comfort


Advanced UV Ray Protection

When restored properly, window film achieves the goal of blocking harmful UV rays. This can increase the prevention of skin damage and deterioration of property valuables.


Where Do I Find Solutions for Historic Window Restoration Near Me?

Do you have pressing needs for historic window restoration on a government-owned building? 

Let us help you find the best temporary surface protection film for your needs. Welcome to contact us today or visit our website to learn more about the PE self-adhesive protective plastic film. 

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